Thursday, January 31, 2013

特注オーダーメイド、真珠、パール、トパーズ、ダイヤモンド、ゴールド・ネックレス!Just Finished!

Just finished! A 18K yellow gold necklace with pearl, London topaz & diamond! Toooo tear drop flooding fantastic necklace! Thanx for ordering! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Monday, January 28, 2013

楽しい指輪の重ね付け、レイヤード、スタックリング!Just Finished!

Also just finished! A very thin stackable ring! They are world trend stacking rings! Too fun! Lets shop to Japan! Thanx!


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

特注オーダーメイド、スケートボード・モチーフ、ダイヤモンド、ゴールド指輪!Just Finished! Skateboard motif diamond gold ring!

Oh! Yes! Another shot! Too fun penny cruiser skateboard landing motif ring with jewels! Fun jewelry making! Thanx for ordering! 

Oh! In case! If you don't know what a penny is! Yes! They are penny! Mini cruisers! Yes! Small skateboards! Too fun jewelry making! Yes! Not yet finished!

Oh! Yes! Another shot! Too fun penny cruiser skateboard motif ring with jewels! Fun jewelry making! Thanx for ordering! 
It is not too uncomfortable as you think! The board flys right above the finger right! Not too high not too low. Fantastic fun ring! Thanx! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

バレンタインに限定指輪!宜しくどうぞ!感謝です!For Valentine's day!

Just finished! a Brass Stack ring with 2mm ruby on! For Valentine'sday gift from us! "Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry" Yes! Worldwide! $50.00(USD) 2 weeks shipping! shipping fee included! Please feel free to mail us! Payment by Paypal welcome!! 


お待たせ致しました!「Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry」よりバレンタイン指輪お届けです!日本では女性から男性へチョコレートな日ですが、世界では本当に聖なるLOVEの神様の日!いつもは作らない赤いルビーな真鍮スタックリング!お一つ四千円(送料込み)お申し込みは、代金先払いにての本受付、募集締め切りはこの日曜日1/27まで!発送は2/8!彼女様へお子様へ!奥様へ!チョコレートの即日お返しプレゼント!またご自身へのプレゼントに!この機会に是非!



Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

オーダーメイド、ハーフキャブ!シューズ、靴モチーフ!特注指輪!Just Finished! Custom HalfCAb motif shoe ring!

Yes! making a shoe! Yes! Half Cab ring for half cab shoes lover client! Too fun shoe making! Well see how it goes! 

あ!金属な靴が出来てきましたね!Yes! ハーフキャブ!可愛い靴が出来そうですね!これが!まさかのとっても大胆な指輪になりましたね!
Wow! what is that! Yes! Half Cab! A shoe motif ring! Can't stop asking about it! Ring for a client who love Half cab! Always rings with loving motifs! Too fun! Jewelry life!

There is a ruby behind the shoe ring! Client's love to a special fun she half cab! Too fun jewelry life! Thanks! 

Yes! Just finished! Yes! Half Cab ring for half cab shoes lover client! You see! huge shoe on a ring! Impact! Too fun shoe motif ring making! Thanx!

あ!金属な靴な指輪が出来ましたね!Yes! ハーフキャブ!本当に靴が指輪に!ボン!とのっかってるみたいですよね!誰かが身に付けてたら!何だそれ!!ってツッコミ入れずにはいられない!素通り不可なシューズな指輪!せっかく楽しい指輪!作るなら世界レベルのインパクトでね!感謝です!
Yes! Its like finger is always stepped by Half cab! Yes! Always! Too fun shoe ring! Thanks! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Sunday, January 20, 2013

雑誌にて紹介して頂きました!On 2 Bicycle Magazines!

My bicycle head badges & emblems are featured on two magazines Japan wide to worldwide book store nearest you! "Loop magazine Street Bicycle DIY custom book & Bicycle Club" both now on sale this month! Don't miss them! Thanx! 

この二冊で僕らの自転車エンブレム!ご紹介されてますよね!「Loop magazine Street Bicycle DIY custom book & Bicycle Club」共に今月もう発売中!お帰りの際に是非!もう一度言うけど…ジュエリー屋さんなのに!豪快に自転車雑誌にルイさん達載ってます!どんな記事かな?ここじゃ言えないな!本屋さんで僕と握手!お待ちしてます!感謝です!
Oh! Yes! We are on another Japan wide bicycle magazine this month! "Bicycle Club" march issue 2013! 

何と!明日発売な自転車雑誌「BICYCLE CLUB」三月号にも!ルイさん達の作品が載ってます!233ページ!しかも高級外車自転車ブランド「リドレー」と並んでのお問合せ!
Oh! Yes! We are on a bicycle magazine again! "Loop magazine Street bicycle DIY cutom book!" Fantastic! Thanx! 

発売されましたね!ジュエリー屋さんなのに!豪快に自転車雑誌にルイさん達が載ってます!どんな記事かな?ここじゃ言えないよね!サンライズさんや楽しい皆もね!僕らのプロフィールは!まさかの「Shinji Morita Photography 」の写真!いつもありがとう!ループマガジン!ストリートバイシクルDIY custom book!本日発売!感謝です!あと息子ジュンセイも!アグリちゃんもね!豪快にね!本屋さんで僕と握手!
Also! Page82! our gold medals for Red Bull event are on the same magazine! "LOOP Magazine Street Bicycle DIY Custom Book" 2013. Jan. 18th in Japanese book store nearest You! Yes! worldwide! Thanx!! 

昨日発売のループマガジン「ストリートバイシクルDIYカスタムブック」なんとページ82でも!実は僕らのゴールドメダルたちがレッドブルのチャンピオンと共に載っています! 実はね!お見逃し無く!感謝です!

Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Saturday, January 19, 2013

特注オーダーメイド、ルビー、エメラルド、ダイヤモンド、誕生石、ピンクゴールドご結婚指輪!Just finished!

And last one for today! Just finished! A pink gold wedding ring with ruby, emeralds & diamonds! Too cute wedding band! Thanx! 

Sample shot! Back side of the pink gold wedding band! 22 ruby for a 22 year old bride! Too fantastic incident! Thanx! 


Past making blog of just finished wedding band! Fantastic making! Its japanese written blog but you can always enjoy making photos! Thanx! こちらのルビーの指輪も素晴らしい制作工程の連続でしたね!その様子は!是非こちらのブログでお楽しみ下さい!「第40話:聖なる指輪大戦とトリックリング!込められた思い、謎解きは僕らの時代の後で。感謝です」

[Making Rings] RUI INABA Jeweler Blog JAPANESE

Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

楽しい指輪の重ね付け、レイヤード、スタッキングリング!Just Finished!

Also just finished! A very thin stackable ring! They are world trend stacking rings! Too fun! Lets shop to Japan! Thanx! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

チューリップ・モチーフ指輪!Just Finished! Tulip motif ring!

Just finished! A tulip motif silver band! Fun motif of love & spring! Lets ship to Illinois US! Thanx! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

特注オーダーメイド、自転車ヘッドバッジ、エンブレム!Just Finished! Custom Bicycle head badge, emblem!

Just finished! A shrike motif emblem! Head badge for a street bicycle MTB team "TUBAGRA" Japan! Grasshopper, frog & bird! Flying motif Emblem for those who loves jumping & flying! Too fun bicycling! Thanx! 


See! Frog is pieced by shrike on branch! Too fun nature motifs! Thanx! 


Back side with our name"Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry" on! Thanks for ordering! 

裏にはいつもの様に、僕らの名前「Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry」を添えてね!楽しいね!いつもご依頼本当に感謝です!


【指輪が出来るまで】RUI INABA Jeweler Blog JAPANESE


Oh! Yes! This famous shrike bird motif bicycle emblem making is in my English blog already! Please enjoy fantastic world of making! Thanx!

[Making Rings]RUI INABA Jeweler Blog ENGLISH

Friday, January 18, 2013

雑誌にて紹介して頂きました!On a Magazine!

Oh! Yes! We are on a bicycle magazine again! Page33! "Loop magazine Street bicycle DIY cutom book!"  2013. Jan. 18th in store now! Fantastic! Thanx! 

発売されましたね!ジュエリー屋さんなのに!豪快に自転車雑誌にルイさん達が載ってます!どんな記事かな?ページ33!ここじゃ言えないよね!サンライズさんや楽しい皆もね!僕らのプロフィールは!まさかの「Shinji Morita Photography 」の写真!いつもありがとう!ループマガジン!ストリートバイシクルDIY custom book!2013年1月18日!発売!感謝です!あと息子ジュンセイも!アグリちゃんもね!豪快にね!本屋さんで僕と握手!
Also! Page82! our gold medals for Red Bull event are on the same magazine! "LOOP Magazine Street Bicycle DIY Custom Book" 2013. Jan. 18th in Japanese book store nearest You! Yes! worldwide! Thanx!! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Thursday, January 17, 2013

ハート・モチーフのルビーの指輪!Just Finished! Heart motif ruby ring!

Just finished! A Brass & Ruby ring! See backside! There is a heart shape!! Too fun element for a lovely ring! This is called our famous "Heart Bon Bon Ring" A huge center ruby looks like Bon Bon right? Too fun! Let's ship to California! THANX! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

楽しい指輪の重ね付け!レイヤード、スタックリング!Just Finished! Stacking Ring!

Just finished! A thin stackable ring with deep blue sapphire on! Let's ship out to Utah! Thanx! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

特注オーダーメイド、リフォーム!ダイヤモンド、プラチナご婚約指輪!Just Finished!

Just finished! Reform ring order of mother's engagement ring 27 years ago to daughter of marring! Changing bezel to a new style! Fantastic! 
Platinum ring & 5mm huge diamond are original from 27 years ago! The bezel is new classic 7 prongs style! Diamond shines fantastic! 
Yes! Heart shape diamonds on the bezel sides! 7 prongs 7 sides 7 hearts! Our famous 7 hearts diamond bezel! Also shines on this ring! Fantastic! 
Again! Original engagement ring with skyscraper bezel of parents 27 years ago on left! Same platinum band with new daughter's requested low special diamond bezel on the right! Looks like now she can wear more everyday! Thanx! Lets refine & finish! 
Yes! 1986 engagement ring! 27 years ago. A couple married so long ago. But now, this ring is given to their young daughter. Platinum & huge diamond are fantastic! But the style is not for the daughter of current. So! Lets change! It's style! Thanks! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Friday, January 11, 2013

特注オーダーメイド、ダイヤモンド、誕生石、ゴールド、ギフト指輪!Just Finished! custom birthday gift ring with diamond and birthstones!

Just finished! A 7th year birthday gift ring for client's love with 7 birthstone garnets on each sides by a diamond! 7on 7 like the two lovers on a ring for the 7 years of the two! Fantastic birthday! Thanx! 

Inside the ring! Engraving birthday message for his love! With this year's her birth date & name on! Too fantastic birth day gift! Thanks for ordering! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

チューリップのモチーフ指輪!Just Finished! Tulip motif ring! Silver!

Just finished! Tulip motif around wide band! Flowers always stands for seasons & love! Fun flower motif jewelries! Thank you for ordering! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

楽しい指輪の重ね付け、レイヤード、スタックリング!Just Finished! Stakable ring!

Just finished! A very thin stackable ring with jewel! Stacking rings are worldwide great hits! Let's ship to California! FAST! Thanx! 

Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Our Best Work of 2012!


We have made many jewelries last year &! this is My best work from 2012! Too fantastic 360! 100 years of time! Engaging Past & current! Toooo fantastic! Its japanese written making blog but! you can always enjoy photos of great wedding rins making! Thank you! thank you! thank you! 




特注オーダーメイド、チャーム!誕生石を添えて!Just Finished! Custom charms with birthstones!

3 Necklace charms in progress! Initial of lovers & their 2 birthstones set in flower bezels! Additional charms for everyday necklace! A Fun way of anniversary gift! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry