Monday, March 11, 2013

特注オーダーメイド、ネックレス、指輪、ピアス、ブレスレット、真珠、パール、ダイヤモンド、ゴールド、一揃いのジュエリー・パリュール!Just finished!

Just finished! Making pearl jewelry set oh! Yes! "parure"! Fantastic jewelry legend set jewelry of current! Not many people orders parure these days, but when it comes! Always fantastic jewelry moments! Thanks for ordering! Too fun jewelry time! 

Just finished! A 18K yellow gold necklace with pearl, London topaz & diamond! Toooo tear drop flooding fantastic necklace! Thanx for ordering! 

Just finished! A 18K yellow gold earrings with pearl & London topaz! East & West! Toooo tear drop flooding fantastic earrings! Thanx for ordering!

Also! Large pearls necklace & gold chain necklace with a tear drop pearl & diamond,London blue topaz! Two kinds of different style necklaces! In a set jewelry Parure! Fantastic! Thanks! 

Just finished! from a set jewelry, Pearl, London blue topaz, diamond yellow gold bracelet! Fantastic piece with east & west cultures! Thanks! 

Just finished! Thin gold ring with a pink Bon Bon Pearl! Fun jewelry making! Fantastic thank you for waiting a long time! 
Just finished making a jewelry case! Our original case with purple color our kid loves! Thanx! 

Other angle shot! Just finished making a jewelry case! Our original case with purple color our kid loves! Thanx! Let's open! Just finished making a jewelry case! Our original case with purple color our kid loves! Oh! yes! Our Fantastic pearl jewelry sets! Thanx for ordering! 

Just finished! Making pearl jewelry set oh! Yes! "parure"! Fantastic jewelry legend set jewelry of current! Not many people orders parure these days, but when it comes! Always fantastic jewelry moments! Thanks for ordering! Too fun jewelry time! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

We are in Store event in Tokyo!

We are in a Store event in Shibuya Tokyo for 2 weeks! Please stop by if you are around! Thanx! 

突然ですが!『Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry』が!何と渋谷ど真中!スクランブル交差点!西武百貨店A館3階に登場!ルイさんは3/13,14,16(あぐりちゃん),21,23の日だけ登場致します!時間?期間中は開店から閉店までずっとやっていますが、僕らがいるのは9:30〜15:45の間です!どうぞお見逃しなく!デパートでなんて本当奇跡の2週間!お近くの皆様!是非!渋谷西武で僕らと握手!感謝です!

Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry

Saturday, March 2, 2013

特注オーダーメイド、ループタイ!Just Finished! custom made loop tie!

Just finished! Sheriff badge motif, emblem style loop tie for S.S.S!! Southern Shimokita Soul man!! Cooke Yoshizawa soul music man! Too fun impact for concert accessory with his name on! Thanks!


Just finished! Bracket for loops ties! Oh! Yes! Emblem style loop tie! Too fun jewelry making! Thanks! 

Back Sample shot! Just finished! With message & our name on! Sheriff badge motif, emblem style loop tie for S.S.S!! Southern Shimokita Soul man!! Cooke Yoshizawa soul music man! Too fun impact for concert accessory with his name on! Thanks! 


Rui & Aguri Fine Jewelry